The problem with non-rev traveling as aforementioned is that you don't always get on the flight. Not even when you're the self-proclaimed travel weasel.
My BFF (pronounced biff) and I flew up to MSP (Minneapolis-St. Paul) on Saturday.
(my bff)
We did everything a seasoned traveler would do: prepare travel bags the night before, wake up at the crack of dawn, get to airport early, breeze through security, sit at gate.
Unfortunately, even when you do everything right, it doesn't always work out.
We planned a day-trip earlier this week to visit the
school up there. We thought, sure we could drive the probable five hours, or we could jet set. So, jet set we did.
The flight looked promising. Twenty open seats. Seven AM. This is a non-rev's dream.
Until 11:00pm Friday night, when suddenly our 20 non-booked seats became two. TWO.
But, we stuck to our game plan. When in doubt, always stick to the game plan. (Seriously, don't skip this rule. Don't deviate the night or hours before. Chances are the original well-thought out plan was the best option anyway.)
And our conversation the night before went something like this:
Bff: crap.
Me: crap.
Bff: Well, what should we do? Should we just sleep in and try the later flight? We could drive?
Me: Well, it's the first flight of the morning, chances are somebody won't show up, right?! ((WRONG.))
((Not only wrong, but those two open seats changed to one open seat by the morning. So wrong.))
So, we went to sleep that night thinking our odds weren't the best, but hey, we might get lucky, right?
So today's seemingly pointless lesson: patience is key. always. If you don't have to be somewhere, take your time. Keep your cool.
Sure enough, we didn't get on the first flight of the day. Instead, we enjoyed a greatly overpriced airport breakfast and made the next flight of the morning on seats next to each other.
Sure, my bff's plan of sleeping in was definitely the way to go, but that's not what happened.
We stuck to our plan and got there eventually and had a pretty great rest of the day!
On a side weekend note, I want to hear from you! Do you want more stories of failed travels? Successful travels? What makes a perfect carry-on? How to best prepare for a flight? What to make sure to not forget on your next trip? The best days to fly and why? Guest posts from other travelers? Let me know, yo!