Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wait... You're Still Here?

Oh hey.

Sorry for such a long hiatus...

And for now the world's worst apology post.

It's not that I haven't been traveling. I've definitely been traveling.
I just ran out of free time. 
Or I was too busy living.
Or school...
Or some other equally lame excuse.

And now I'm about to again be without internet for the next five or so days...


But, rest assured, I haven't forgotten about all of you readers (family that may still be keeping track of me)!
I feel like leaving my last post on the note of essentially binge drinking for a semester would be worrisome.
So, fear not! I'm still kickin'.

While I catching up on the last month and a half, enjoy this picture of me chillin' with a monkey...

Back soon, loves.
